about us

At OWU Preschool in Barnstable Village, your child’s journey begins One Passport at a time

Our World United Preschool offers a beautiful sprawling campus complete with gardens, a playground, and a lively frog pond. Children experience all-weather play and ample time in nature.

Our days are play focused and intentionally packed with child-led play. Weekly themes always include biweekly cultural adventures, an array of learning materials & music.  All in a bright and cheery classroom!

A Culturally Infused Curriculum

Our culturally infused curriculum sets in motion the idea of belonging and the understanding and appreciation that we are each unique. Biweekly “travels” broaden horizons and teach students that we can celebrate both ourselves and others.

Families are encouraged to celebrate and teach us about their unique cultures and traditions Our travels are inspired by and adjust to the families currently enrolled. OWU family members are invited to participate in classroom activities and annual events.

We know that parents and guardians are a child’s most influential teachers. With this in mind, we look forward to collaborating and communicating with each family to create consistency, connection, and community for every child in our care.

OWU is focused on fostering the formation of positive self-identities. The time required to master self-care tasks is built into our day. Independence is the goal because independence strengthens a child’s self-esteem.

OWU Children are taught the power of their voices and minds. They are empowered to solve problems, stand up for themselves, and utilize their ideas and solutions. Socio-emotional learning is woven into our days through readings, a feelings center, and conversations driven by the children’s needs and emotions.

Your Child: Prepared and Confident

Children deserve to start Kindergarten being prepared and feeling confident. OWU teaches core academics through play, games, teacher-led interludes, and tasks of ownership. STEM and pre-literacy skills are practiced daily, with an emphasis on the (often overlooked) gross and fine motor skills that precede strong reading and writing.

Our World United insists the preschool years are a time for childhood. The NOW holds value. There is a bigger picture than someday becoming just a student in a classroom.

OWU is determined to nurture healthy and connected humans who are capable of feeling joy, acting compassionately, discovering their passions, and reaching the goals they set for themselves.